How does Q-REstrain work?
This approach utilizes oligonucleotides to disrupt cancer cell growth. It silences genes critical for cancer cell proliferation or hinders the production of anti-apoptotic proteins that prevent cell death (apoptosis).
A blood sample is analyzed to identify the target genes (about 500 of them) that are over-expressed. A validation procedure is then done to ensure that the target gene will give the most promising results. Another step in the process is the exclusion of genes that are related to normal tissues. These genes will be excluded from the final product.
Once we have a target gene to silence, an RNA is synthesized to that gene; this is the final product of the Q-REstrain. When Q-REstrain is inserted into the patient, the Q-REstrain will home into the cancer, and that one target gene is silenced. This is also called anti-sense therapy.